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    Embracing the Cigar Culture: Attend These Must-See Cigar Events

    by Melissa Bajda January 09, 2024

    Cigar Events are the perfect way to celebrate the amazing cigar culture in the United States. From the quaint tobacco shops to the large-scale festivals, there are many opportunities to enjoy and learn about cigars.

    This blog post will highlight 10 Cigar Events that any true cigar aficionado should attend. From nationwide events to more localized festivals, we'll provide all the details you need to make the most of your cigar experience.

    So, grab your favorite cigar and join us in embracing the cigar culture!

    The Rich History of and Significance of Cigars in American Culture

    Cigars have a rich history in American culture and have been a staple in society for centuries. Prominent figures, including presidents, celebrities, and business tycoons, have enjoyed them, symbolizing success and luxury.

    Cigars are also culturally significant in America, representing celebration, relaxation, and camaraderie. In the early 19th century, cigars were commonly smoked by the elite class as a symbol of their wealth and status.

    As the years went on, cigars became more accessible to the working class, leading to an increase in popularity and a rise in cigar culture.

    Cigars have played a significant role in many important moments throughout American history, from diplomatic negotiations to celebrations of victory.

    Even today, cigars remain a prominent symbol of achievement and success and continue to be enjoyed by many in the cigar community.

    Why Attend a Cigar Event?

    Cigar events and festivals are perfect for celebrating cigars' rich history and culture. Attending one of these events allows you to meet and mingle with fellow cigar enthusiasts, learn more about different cigar brands and products, and even try out new and exclusive cigars.

    You can also participate in fun activities such as cigar-rolling workshops and tasting sessions. These events greatly expand your knowledge and appreciation of cigars while enjoying a unique and memorable experience.

    Join the Celebration of Cigar Culture: 10 Must-Visit Cigar Events

    Cigar Events and Festivals

    From nationwide events to more localized festivals, we'll provide all the details you need to make the most of your cigar experience.

    Here are 10 must-see Cigar Events that any true cigar aficionado should attend.

    1. Brew City Cigar Festival

    If you are a cigar enthusiast looking for a fun way to spend a weekend with friends, the Brew City Cigar Festival is a must-attend event. This festival celebrates premium cigars and tobacco every August in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    The Brew City Cigar Festival features a cigar pavilion with a wide variety of cigars worldwide and local craft beer and spirits tastings.

    Aside from the cigar pavilion, there are plenty of other activities to enjoy. Attendees can participate in cigar rolling classes, cigar and beer pairings, and even a golf tournament.

    The Brew City Cigar Festival also includes live music, food vendors, and other entertainment to entertain guests.

    2. Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival in Colorado

    Located in Broomfield, Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival is a highly anticipated event that draws cigar enthusiasts nationwide. This festival, presented by Smoker Friendly, offers a unique opportunity to sample premium cigars from some of the industry's top brands.

    In addition to the wide selection of cigars available for tasting, attendees can enjoy beer, spirits, and other drinks from local breweries and distilleries. There is also live music and plenty of food options while relaxing in the scenic outdoor venue.

    Tickets for the Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival typically cost around $150, including a selection of cigars, a cutter, and a lighter. VIP packages are also available for those looking for a more exclusive experience.

    3. Atlantic City Cigar Social

    If you are looking for a fantastic cigar event on the East Coast, look no further than the Atlantic City Cigar Social. Hosted at the renowned Borgata Hotel Casino, this cigar event is a must-visit for any cigar enthusiast.

    The Atlantic City Cigar Social offers a unique opportunity to indulge in the rich cigar culture while enjoying the lively atmosphere of Borgata Hotel Casino in Atlantic City.

    Not only will you have the chance to sample and purchase some of the finest cigars, but you'll also be treated to live music and great food.

    These events showcase various premium cigar brands, allowing attendees to discover new favorites and expand their collections.

    Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or just starting your journey into the world of cigars, the Atlantic City Cigar Social is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from industry experts.

    4. The Big Smoke Las Vegas

    One of the year's most highly anticipated cigar events is the Annual Big Smoke, held in Resorts World Las Vegas every November. This Big Smoke event attracts cigar enthusiasts worldwide who gather to celebrate the art and culture of cigars.

    Hosted at the prestigious Resorts World Las Vegas, the Annual Big Smoke promises an unforgettable night of entertainment and indulgence.

    Guests can expect an impressive lineup of top cigar brands, with opportunities to sample and purchase their favorite smokes. These Big Smoke cigar events feature expertly crafted cocktails, fine spirits, and delectable cuisine, making it a truly luxurious experience for cigar smokers.

    Tickets for the Annual Big Smoke are in high demand and often sell out quickly. So mark your calendars and prepare for a night filled with the finest cigars, exquisite drinks, and incredible entertainment at the Annual Big Smoke in Resorts World Las Vegas.

    5. The Cigar Heritage Festival in Tampa, Florida

    The Cigar Heritage Festival is an annual celebration of Tampa's rich cigar culture. This event brings cigar enthusiasts worldwide to enjoy a day filled with premium cigars, food, beer, and entertainment.

    Attendees can sample and purchase cigars from local and international vendors while enjoying live music and cigar-rolling demonstrations.

    One of the festival's main highlights is witnessing expert cigar rollers showcase their skills. Attendees can also enjoy a variety of food and drink options, including craft beers and local cuisine. This festival celebrates cigars and is a tribute to Tampa's cigar history and heritage, perfect for cigar smokers.

    Tickets for the Cigar Heritage Festival in Tampa, Florida, are available online, and prices may vary depending on the type of ticket purchased. VIP ticket price offers exclusive access to a VIP lounge area, premium cigars, and a private bar.

    The festival typically takes place in the fall, so mark your calendars and attend this unique celebration of cigar culture.

    6. The Tampa Cigar Bash

    The Tampa Cigar Bash is one of the most anticipated events in the cigar community, attracting enthusiasts nationwide. Held in Tampa, Florida, known as the birthplace of the cigar industry in the United States, these cigar events celebrate the rich culture that has thrived in the area for centuries.

    The Tampa Cigar Bash offers attendees the opportunity to experience the vibrant and lively atmosphere of the city while indulging in their passion for cigars.

    With a wide range of vendors and exhibitors showcasing their latest products, this event is a must-visit for any cigar lover.

    Admission to the Tampa Cigar Bash is open to all cigar enthusiasts, with tickets available for purchase in advance or at the door. This cigar event offers the perfect opportunity to mingle with fellow fans, meet industry experts, and learn more about the art of cigar-making.

    7. PCA Convention & International Trade Show

    One of the industry's most highly anticipated cigar events is the PCA Convention & International Trade Show. Formerly known as the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Trade Show, these annual cigar events bring together industry professionals, retailers, and cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

    The PCA Convention & International Trade Show is a four-day cigar event filled with networking opportunities, educational seminars, and the chance to sample and purchase a wide range of premium cigars.

    Attendees can expect to see the latest and greatest products from some of the industry's most prestigious cigar manufacturers and distributors.

    One of the event's highlights is the trade show floor, where attendees can browse hundreds of booths showcasing everything from cigars and accessories to tobacco and packaging materials. This is the perfect opportunity for retailers to discover new products to offer their customers and for cigar smokers to expand their collections.

    In addition to the trade show, the PCA Convention also offers a variety of educational seminars and workshops. These sessions cover cigar manufacturing, blending techniques, and the art of cigar pairing.

    8. Texas Cigar Festival

    The Texas Cigar Festival is an annual event that draws cigar enthusiasts from all over the state. Held in the heart of Houston, this festival celebrates all things cigars. The festival boasts an impressive lineup of top cigar brands, including Davidoff, Padron, Rocky Patel, and many more.

    In addition to sampling some of the best cigars on the market, attendees can enjoy live music, food, and drinks. This festival is the perfect opportunity to mingle with fellow cigar lovers and have fun.

    Admission to the Texas Cigar Festival varies depending on the type of ticket you purchase. General admission tickets usually start at around $50 and include a selection of cigars, a commemorative festival bag, and access to all the festival activities. VIP ticket price offers even more perks, such as early access to the festival and exclusive access to VIP lounges.

    If you plan on attending the Texas Cigar Festival, get your tickets early, as they sell out quickly.

    9. Smoke Inn Presents The Great Smoke

    One of the highly anticipated cigar events in Florida is Smoke Inn Presents The Great Smoke. Held in various locations across the state, this cigar event brings cigar enthusiasts and industry professionals together for a day of premium cigars, spirits, and entertainment.

    With a wide selection of cigars available for sampling and purchase, attendees can indulge in their favorite brands or discover new ones. The cigar events also feature seminars and workshops conducted by cigar experts, offering valuable insights into the world of cigars.

    What sets The Great Smoke apart is its emphasis on pairing cigars with spirits. Attendees can enjoy a range of fine spirits, including bourbon, scotch, rum, and more, which perfectly complement the cigars' flavors. This unique pairing experience enhances the overall enjoyment and allows attendees to explore different flavor combinations.

    To attend The Great Smoke, tickets are available for purchase in advance. With different ticket options, attendees can choose the package that suits their preferences and budget.

    10. Puro Sabor Nicaragua Cigar Festival

    The Puro Sabor Nicaragua Cigar Festival is an annual cigar event every January in Nicaragua. It is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the country's cigar industry and enjoy some of the best cigars in the world. The festival attracts cigar smokers, manufacturers, and industry experts from all over the globe.

    During the festival, visitors can tour cigar factories and tobacco farms. There are also educational seminars and workshops on cigar blending, rolling, and tobacco cultivation.

    Attendees can enjoy various entertainment events and activities such as live music, cultural dance performances, and cigar tastings.

    Book your tickets early if you attend the Puro Sabor Nicaragua Cigar Festival. The festival is trendy and sells out quickly.


    1. Is there a national cigar day?

      Yes, there is! February 27th is National Cigar Day in the United States. It is a day to celebrate the cigar culture and to indulge in a good cigar with friends and fellow enthusiasts.

      2. Where can I smoke a cigar?

        The rules on smoking cigars differ depending on your location. Generally, you can smoke cigars in designated areas in restaurants, bars, and cigar lounges. Outdoor areas such as patios or balconies are common for cigar smoking.

        However, it is essential to always check with local regulations and etiquette to avoid any inconvenience or disturbance to others.

        3. Can you smoke cigars inside the UK?

          No, smoking cigars inside public indoor spaces in the UK has been banned since 2007. However, there are still designated smoking areas in some bars, restaurants, and private clubs where smoking is allowed.

          Cigar lounges and smoking terraces have also become popular options for cigar enthusiasts in the UK.

          4. Can you smoke cigars in Scotland?

            Smoking laws in Scotland are similar to those in the rest of the UK. Smoking cigars inside public indoor spaces is banned, but designated smoking areas are available in some bars, restaurants, and private clubs.

            Outdoor areas are also acceptable for cigar smoking, as long as it is not causing any inconvenience to others.


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